Friday, December 19, 2008

More Stephen Fry, and a resolution

I'm halfway through another of Stephen's blessays and once again I've stopped because I'm enraptured. Specifically I'm enraptured with the following quote, which I must now evidently rip from its elegant context and slap it singly on a bare plate in order to share it with you. Here it is.

"Only to a dullard is language a means of communication and nothing more. It would be like saying sex is a means of reproduction and no more and food a means of fuelling and no more. In life you have to explain wine. You have to explain cheese. You have to explain love. You can’t, but you have to try, or if not try you have, surely, to be aware of the astonishing fact of them."

UPDATE: I have now completed my reading of the blessay in question, and am now resolved to be less pedantic with my use of language. Occasionally a preposition is a fine thing to end a sentence with. I might even be inspired to wildly split the occasional infinitive. We shall see.

That being said, I am also resolved simply to write MORE. One's writing gets better with practice, one assumes. So I'm going to practice more. I'm going to try to increase quantity of output in the hopes that it somehow improves quality of output.

I sense a New Year's Resolution in the offing! At a time when I am as woefully out of shape as I have ever been in my entire bleeding life I resolve to sit and type more! Yay!

This blog may become more and more diary-like as I do so. So be it.

Do any of my 3 or 4 readers have any resolutions they'd care to share?


legion said...

Chuck become less pedantic? Hold my breath I will.

HuckCrowley said...

Yeah, it's not going very well so far...