Thursday, October 23, 2008

Google search tools

I learned something new today. Something that would have come in VERY handy when writing yesterday's post.

Google can do unit conversions. Go to google and type without quotes "400km in miles" and google will spit out an answer above all the theoretically relevant links your search brings up. Like so.

I found this out by reading today's column over at, which, in turn, references a column from John Battelle. Cyrus Farivar, the author of the Machinist column, says that "Battelle is a long-standing authority on Google and search technology."

Evidently there's a lot that google can do. I think its conversion ability is the most exciting, but check out this google page for some tips and tricks on other ways you can use google. This is cool!

1 comment:

Eric Francis said...

Dude! You didn't know? I've used Google to translate Fahrenheit to Celsius, miles to inches, cubic feet to cubic yards ... even simple calculator stuff! It's the coolest damn thing for the mathematically challenged!