Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Evidently I was wrong about Hillary.

A week or two ago I was dismayed that the only sign of Hillary’s involvement in the presidential election was SNL’s brilliant introduction featuring stand-ins for Hillary and Sarah Palin.

It turns out I was wrong. Evidently Hillary has been hitting the important swing-states: Florida, Ohio, Michigan, - here's a link or two regarding her appearances in Michigan - and probably Pennsylvania before too long. Maybe Virginia?

Evidently she's going to Arkansas. (Not so much a swing state.)

I don’t live in a swing-state (although if she's going to Arkansas then maybe she'll swing by Kentucky) and the national news has been dominated by all things Palin and all things financial, so Hillary’s actions were unknown to me.

If one searches through the news, though, then it turns out she’s on the campaign trail for Obama.

Go Hillary. And thanks.

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