Thursday, November 20, 2008

More Shipping Containers

BBC News is doing an ongoing story about The Box. There's a shipping container with the BBC's name on it - literally - and they're following it as it travels around the world. It's been traveling since September.

As of yesterday it was in Japan. It may still be. It's gone from England through the Mediterranean, through the Gulf of Aden where it was NOT captured by pirates, around India to Singapore, to Shanghai, and now to Japan. Not sure if it's going to Osaka or Kobe or what. Check the map linked above for information from The Box's GPS.

I'm looking forward to exploring thoroughly the BBC's pages about The Box. They've filed reports from some of The Box's locations. And they've got a certain amount of video about The Box and about the context - about shipping and shipping containers. When I have time I'll find out if it's all as interesting as it looks.


Eric Francis said...

You're following a shipping container with avid interest...?

Michelle better get back from wherever she's gone, and quick!

HuckCrowley said...

You don't find Commerce - its effect on our lives and our lives' effect on it - fascinating?

No wonder you didn't enjoy The Baroque Cycle...

Eric Francis said...

Maybe I just find wimmenfolk more interesting that commerce....

Anonymous said...

Finally got a chance to look at this... It's kinda cool. Not so much as a statement about globalization - this kind of shipping just used to be done in smaller, less sturdy containers - but as an interesting illustration of modern shipping routes.

I'm probably going to show my son as an addendum to the age of exploration routes we learned about in history last year.

Cool link. Thanks.