Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Pirate update

I've been wondering why the Powers That Be haven't yet bombed the pirate town of Eyl, Somalia out of existence. BBC News, as it often does, provides the answers. International law forbids such an action.

From the article linked above:

These days, there is no question of a bombardment of the port of Eyl, the main pirate base on the Somali coast. That might be the most effective response but it would require a UN Security Council resolution.

There is a resolution (1838, passed in October) which authorises the use of "necessary means", meaning force if need be, to stop piracy in international waters. There is also another resolution (1816) which allows anti-pirate operations within Somali waters, but only with the agreement of the Somali transitional government.

International law is generally on the pirates' side, it appears.

Here's my question, then. If the Somali transitional government completely fails then does that mean we can go ahead and conduct anti-priate operations in Somali waters?

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