Monday, November 17, 2008


Well, as it has become apparent that my blog is read only by people who already know me, then there appears to be no reason to try to maintain any kind of pretense that this will serve as a forum from which to disseminate my ideas that will, upon dissemination, change the world and herald a new, utopian age of peace and harmony.

Instead this will become my online diary, which may occasionally have something that may be interesting to the wider world in it.

What’s nice about knowing my audience – and my audience knowing me – is that there no reason to put up a tedious “About the author” section. As I begin to include more details about my life I can actually continue to be surprisingly anonymous to the casual reader. I don’t have to explain where I live. I don’t have to explain the sudden appearance of My Intended in any stories I choose to relate. You guys already know all that. Instead I can simply catch you up on any news that I think is worth relating.

To whit: I’m going back to school.

I have 98 hours of credit at my undergraduate institution, where I remain an undergrad, obviously having never crossed over the threshold of graduation.

I’m moving from Communication – where technological changes have made obsolete much of what I learned 15 years ago and prior – to Education and Human Development where I will be pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Workforce Leadership.

It sounds like a made-up degree for people who work day-jobs, and that appears to be very nearly what it is. All the required classes for this degree are offered either in the evenings or online. They also take great pains to give you general-education college credit for your work experience. In this manner they make it so that you can stick to the required classes for the major and when you’re done then you’re done.

I need to take 11 classes. At an average of 2 classes per semester in a 3-semester year then this will take me 2 years, with one semester in which I can take one class.

I expect that the 1-class semester will be next fall, as I am getting married that semester.

My Intended is moving in during the month of January if things remain on schedule. I need to have a small amount of home-renovation done beforehand. Not because it’s a dealbreaker or anything, but just because I’m going to have the renovation in question done anyway, and My Intended would rather it got done before Moving Day.

So. Impending renovations. Impending cohabitation. Impending return to school. Impending wedding. That’s my news.

Meanwhile The Daily Beast appears to have completely supplanted in my online affections, with the exception of Andrew Leonard’s excellent How The World Works blog, which remains a must-read in our time of economic turmoil.

Oh, and I’m playing entirely too much online poker. Not for money. Which is good, it turns out. My poker ability is inconsistent.

1 comment:

Eric Francis said...

About the Author: Huck Crowley (born Huck Crowley Woolery) is the illegitimate but doted-upon son of former Gong Show host Chuck Woolery; he dropped his father's surname after deciding to make it on his own in life rather than forever being known as "the guy who rode the Gong Show's coattails."

As a member of middle upper middle management for a Fortune 500 adult industry, he has established a reputation for good-natured leadership and no-nonsense fiscal responsibility. In his spare time, he raises Arabian horses and plays Magic: The Gathering in the trendiest geek bar in Dubai, his adopted home town.

Mr. Crowley recently adopted a coatimundi, whom he affectionately calls "My Intended."